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Welcome to the eternal city...



The Archeological and naturalistic Park of Vulci 

Meeting with the guide and visit of Vulci, ancient metropolis of Etruria, later an important Roman city. The archaeological area is located in the heart of the southern Maremma, in a suggestive landscape. Once inside the monumental Etruscan gate, we will visit the remains of the most important Roman buildings, such as the basilicas, temples and the cryptoporticus domus. Optional excursion to the Pellicone lake, nestled among volcanic rocks. Stop for lunch. We will also visit the Badia Castle, next to the Devil's Bridge, and the archaeological museum inside.


Bolsena Lake

After breakfast transfer to Bolsena, ancient village along the Via Francigena, where we will visit the collegiate church of Santa Cristina, composed of three churches side by side, two underground chapels and a system of catacombs. We will then reach the Monaldeschi castle in a panoramic position overlooking the lake. Transfer by bus to Montefiascone, known for the wine "Est! Est!!!". The town, located 640 m above the lake, is home to the Romanesque-Gothic Basilica of San Flaviano, the Renaissance Cathedral of Santa Margherita, with the magnificent dome of the Fountain, and the Rocca dei Papi. Stop for lunch. In the afternoon panoramic tour of the lake by bus. Lake Bolsena (114 sq. km.) is the largest lake in Lazio: inside it there are two islands, Bisentina and Martana.


Civita di Bagnoregio the Sacro Bosco of Bomarzo 

After breakfast we will reach the charming medieval town of Civita di Bagnoregio, built on a cliff thinned by an unstoppable erosion: it looks like a spectacular tufa island in a sea of clayey gullies. The only access to the picturesque village is an imposing pedestrian bridge. Break for lunch and transfer to the Sacro Bosco of Bomarzo, also known as Parco dei Mostri. The garden is one of the most poetic works of Italian Mannerism and it is articulated in a fascinating itinerary among singular inscriptions and cyclopean sculptures. Among the numerous works depicting epic and mythological characters stand out the terrifying Mouth of Hades, the Casina Pendente and the Tempietto dedicated by the client and owner to his deceased wife.

Tarquinia and Tuscania

After breakfast transfer to Tarquinia, where we will visit the Necropolis of Monterozzi, UNESCO site, with about 150 frescoed tombs: from the small hypogea with banquet scenes, to the great aristocratic tombs of the Hellenistic age characterized by terrifying demonic subjects. Transfer to the Archaeological Museum of Tarquinia, one of the most important in Italy, which houses numerous finds, including the sculpture of the Winged Horses and frescoes detached from various tombs. Break for lunch. In the afternoon transfer to Tuscania, a charming town in the Maremma countryside. Near the village we will visit the ancient basilicas of S. Pietro and S. Maria Maggiore, true masterpieces of Romanesque art.

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